Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Blvd. | Moving to Riverside Ave.

Well folks, tonight marks the end of The Blvd's five year run as a Spokane live music venue. At their current address anyway.

For some time the Spokane Public Facilities District have been looking forward to expanding the convention center complex to the south side of Spokane Falls Blvd and tonight brings the inevitable one step closer.

We've caught no word on when the actual demolition of the 100 year old building will happen but we plan on having some great and sad pictures on The Blvd's final day.

Tonight's show, reportedly the last at the venue will be the annual Wig Bash 2009 co-presented by Seattle's The Wig, our very own Platform Booking & The Inlander. Photography by Blush Response.

We're listing the show something like this:

Shim - Myspace (Seattle, Wa)
Cyrus Fell Down - Myspace (Spokane Valley, Wa)
See Me River - Myspace (Seattle, Wa)
Truckasauras - Myspace (Seattle, Wa)
$5 / 9p / 18+

After this weekend of shows, The Blvd. will be moving to 230 W. Riverside Ave.

Aside from jokes about having to change the name, the address should serve the new tenants well as it has played host to past venues such as The B-Side, The Spread and most recently The Zombie Room.

We look forward to many more years with The Blvd as a great place to be here in Spokane. A little closer to downtown, a little further from the rowdy opera house scene, a hell of a lot of good music to come.

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