Sunday, September 16, 2007

More to do that I could imagine.

Wow. Running The Meeting Spokane was one thing. Over two years or so I was able to collect emails and addresses of places you, musician, might need. Info on how to get your music head on the radio, who to talk to at your venue of choice to get a show or where to print stickers with your awesome logo. You get the idea.

I got bored eventually. To the point where I wasn't even updating the few pages I offered. I spent my time instead, about a year, on a ridiculous local calendar that paled in comparison to the one that can be found at

Side note: The Spokane Sidekick is awesome!

Yeah! A year of deteriorating, stale info and a complete lack of completeness.
So, the calendar was out.
I dropped the "band list". (I put that in quotes because it was a joke.)
Got rid of the guest book. [Read: spam folder]

What now?

I found that only option was to overload myself by taking on the entire Pacific Northwest. How hard could it be? All I would have to do is research every city, find out which business offered products and services geared toward musicians, and catalog every venue in an area of about 253,263 sq. mi. No problem.

As of today, the site is "functional." (There are those quotes again) I've set up a skeleton directory so that everything links the way it should. -ish. I imagine I'll be working out the bugs in that one for quite awhile.

The content side is a little more difficult. It's really no problem to endlessly search the internet for content. My problem comes when that content is, often, severely lacking. I could really use some help. [Hint, hint] I've sent out emails to venues in Portland, asking them to confirm the info I have so far found; sort of a test runt to see how much help I can expect from area business.

So far, so good.

Back to it.



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