Friday, November 23, 2007

I'm Indecisive | To Northwest or not.

One of my main objectives with The Meeting has always been to be current and up-to-date. I figure that out-of-date info is as useful to you and I as the QVC Channel. If you don't know what the QVC Channel is, then I've made my point. Google it.

You may know that I originally started the site in Spokane as a musicians information site. I later introduced the weekly calendar which, consuming most my time, caused the rest of the site to stagnate; the one thing I set out against. Fast forward a few years to about a year ago and I was calling it quits.

Or so I thought.

Currently, The Meeting Northwest is lined up to be a Pacific northwest directory of music related -ness. What the hell does that mean? To be honest, I'm not sure. I have purchased the domain and rewrote the links on the site so that every click goes where you'd expect it to. You can check it out here. Awesome!? No, terrible. This opens up the door to the next step. To generate content. I knew it would happen but I didn't know it would be so much of a pain.

Remember, I am still not sure as to what content I would ultimately like to include. Not a fact I would call a step in the right direction. Furthermore, info still needs to be gathered, sorted and verified. Only then, according to my current plan, could it be uploaded to the site for your enjoyment. Also, I would need a system for re-verification of any posted info that would certainly change over time.

In short, I'm overwhelmed.

So...I've decided that instead of tinkering with incomplete info, I will once again resurrect the Spokane section to its fullest extent. This way, I can focus on perfecting my style and organization before taking on more than I can handle. I at least want to get to a point where I can explain what drives me. There is music out there to be heard. I'm going to make it easier for you to find it.

Summary. The Northwest idea has proven difficult and I'm going to take a break. During this break, I will be informing the good people of Spokane as to which performers/groups/bands they can see on any given night. Until I stop.

Ok. Thanks.

Robert Hammett -

The Meeting Northwest



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