Sunday, December 28, 2008

News | December 28, 2008

I started off today with a little cleaning house. I felt that the picture albums on our Myspace page were too full and really just a mess. So, I've deleted all of the picture albums from our page except the Upcoming Shows album. If you would like copies of any previous fliers in digital form, please email However, many new fliers were uploaded to the remaining album as there are many, many shows coming up.

Most of the update today consists of the huge amount of shows added to our Upcoming.txt page. This is where we keep all the show info we've collected before it goes on the calendar. I can honestly say that every show from every venue and booking agent is now listed in the Upcoming.txt page. Please bookmark this page and review it regularly. If you find any errors in your show listing, please email or through Myspace.

The calendar was also updated to include the dates of December 28th - 30th. New Years Eve is going to take a little while so I'm posting these three days now.

A little sad venue news:

I wasn't aware until today (to be certain anyway) that Brooklyn Nights no longer hosts live music. The following quote is from the "About me:" section of their Myspace page. "Brooklyn Nights is not offering live music anymore. We were trying to put on show, but nobody was coming down the see the many great musicians we had play here. We had some great shows and want to thank everyone who put a lot of hard work into their performances. We will still put on shows every once in a while. We will try to keep everybody posted on up coming events."

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Take care and keep warm/dry/from slipping on slushy snow,

Robert Hammett
Spokane, Wa
ICQ: 23525903 | Subscribe to blogs / updates |

Sunday, December 21, 2008

News | December 21, 2008

It's Sunday once again and calendar has been updated with this coming weeks shows. I hope you will soon be accustomed to our semiweekly updates. You can expect the next one on Wednesday unless major updates need to be posted sooner.

The Meeting Northwest is also currently gearing up for our Curiosity Contest. We've been posting bulletins on Myspace asking people to reply either on the bulletin or by emailing When we receive a total of ten (10) replies, we will further outline the details of the contest. As of Dec. 21 at 8:52am, five (5) people have replied.

The prize for this contest will be four (4) tickets to a local show. Which show that will be is only known to us and will be posted along with further details. It will however be: An all ages event, in the city of Spokane, in the month of April and most likely to sell out. More later.

Hey local businesses! If you have a local business that sells musician or music related products, The Meeting Northwest will gladly add you to our pages at no charge. Glance over our current listings on to see where you'd fit in. Then just contact us through our site, email or use our Myspace site at


Sunday, December 14, 2008

News | December 14, 2008

The temperature outside is a terribly cold 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Oh yeah.

I don't really have much for news other then adding a bit of structure here. From now on, the calendar will be posted every Wednesday and Sunday. Updates and corrections will still take place as normal so please let us know if anything needs changing.

I've been working on pretty cool page lately. I starting by linking to the spokane-music related sites, blogs, groups and calendars that I use on a regular basis. The main idea is for a unified starting point for my daily search for shows. Feel free to dig through the mess. This page really is, "All the local music info you could get elsewhere."

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More later,

