Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cd Release: Burn The Attic

Cd Release show:

Burn The Attic
Album: Triumph Without Glory
Venue: Big Dipper
Date: March 6th
Full line up can be found on our calendar.

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And a happy birthday goes to...

This may not be the most local of news but last Friday, Feb 20th 2009, Kurt Cobain of the band Nirvana would have been 42 years old.

Happy Birthday Mr. Cobain.

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Please welcome...Embyrs [new venue]

The city of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho gets a new all ages venue this month.

1404 E Best Ave.
Coeur d'Alene, Id 83814
Web site | Myspace | Map

They will be added to the growing list of venues outside of Spokane city that we will be including in our regular calendar updates. Their calendar currently lists bands such as A Pyrrhic Victory and Burn The Attic. Please check out and bookmark for more info on our area's newest venue.

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Vivid Crunch to change name.

The Coeur d'Alene, Idaho band once known as Vivid Crunch shall now be known as Stiff Fish.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Site Updates | News

I think, from now on, I will post the calendar only on our main site.  It no longer looks good posted here [originally posted on] in our blogs w/o properly copied links I'm have to reformat it just to make it look "almost good".


Our calendar is posted at:  Please feel free to bookmark this link in your browser or Delicious on Delicious

You may also want to subscribe to our feeds Subscribe to our updates! which are powered by Feedburner.  You will be informed each time the calendar is posted w/o having to pull up  For a full description of feeds and subscribing to sites, please see this video on YouTube.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you over at our main site.


Robert Hammett
The Meeting Northwest
Spokane, Wa

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

David Bazan appears to be canceled

For those of you looking forward to seeing David Bazan at The Empyrean tomorrow (Friday).

Please refer to his Myspace at as it is currently listing the Empyrean show here in Spokane as "CANCELED DUE TO ILLNESS". However, we weren't able to find mention of the cancellation on The Empyrean's Myspace page or their main web site. I hope I'm wrong here but maybe you should give the Empyrean a call at 509.838.9819 to find out for sure. Then let me know.

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4th Annual Sommy Awards

Updating a few things a little early this week.

I know we usually only post updates on Sundays and Wednesdays but I figured that a few mid-week updates probably wouldn't hurt anyone. Plus we'​ve updat​ed the calender​ a little so that you can start planning your upcoming weeks musical outings.​

One such outing should be a trip down to The Blvd. this Friday for the Fourth Annual Sommy Awards. I usually attempt to not lean toward one venue or show more than another but this being a Spokane-area-local-musician-music award show, I feel it's important to at least check it out. Live music will include Belt of Vapor, Oil of Angels and Mon Chéri. Expect to pay no cover charge for this 18 and over event starting at 6pm.

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