Sunday, May 24, 2009

A test.

I've posted quite a few blogs in the last few weeks.

None of them are appearing where they're supposed to be.


All is well now.

Calendar posting. Myspace blog style.

I've posted today's calendar in our Myspace blogs, something I haven't done in quite awhile. I thought I'd give it another chance since Myspaces' formatting no longer seems to turn the listings into an unreadable, jumbled mess. If you find that you can't tell where one listing starts and another ends, please let me know.

If you do like the ease of viewing the calendar in our Myspace blogs instead of going to our site at, post a comment on this and we'll make it a habit to make things easier for ya.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend,


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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Old fliers? No thanks.

After quite a while of cataloging past concert fliers I have decided to stop. As it stands, I have a digital copy of (nearly) every flier from January 2008 to present.

I don't know why.

I no longer plan on keeping old fliers either on line or on my hard drive. Eliminating this one step in the process of posting The Spokane Music Calendar should allow me more time to bring you a more complete product. If you would like a copy of any of these, please email me. There are many ways to do so.

Take care,

Robert Hammett
Spokane, Wa

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